EuroStat - ISRP Welcome to the 2023 Family Budget Survey

This survey is conducted simultaneously among staff working in the :
 European Union (EU) institutions and agencies
 Co-ordinated Organisations
      Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
      North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
      European Space Agency (ESA)
      European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
      European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)
      Council of Europe (CoE).
 Other international organisations, including:
      European Patent Office (EPO)
      European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EuroControl)
      European Schools (EurSch)
      European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN)
      European Southern Observatory (ESO)

Thank you in advance for your participation.

User Friendly

The present electronic version of the questionnaire was created in order to facilitate your responses, and significant efforts have been devoted to ensuring that it is as user-friendly as possible.
You can save the partially completed questionnaire at any time and recover it later for completion.


The collected data is completely anonymous.
Your email address will only be required so that you can complete the questionnaire at a later time.
It will be encrypted and used to send you a unique link, which will enable you to access answers you have partially completed and saved.